Put AP credits to use right from the start

Carthage accepts a maximum of 32 credit hours of alternative credit to be counted toward graduation. This includes Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) and CLEP. No credit will be awarded for Subsidiary level examinations.

Advanced Placement Credit

Advanced Placement Examinations, consisting of both objective and free response sections, are administered by the College Board to students who have completed college-level Advanced Placement courses in high school. A score of 1 through 5 is assigned by a group of evaluators based on the score for the objective section and review of the free response questions. Carthage awards credit in recognition of scores 3 through 5. Entering students who wish credit for Advanced Placement must submit official results to the Office of the Registrar.

All advanced placement courses are subject to departmental review of scores and/or booklet before credits are awarded. AP scores must be 3 or above to receive Carthage credit except where noted otherwise.

 Carthage Courses Awarded
 艺术历史  ARH 1700 Introduction to 艺术历史; score of 4 required
 生物学  BIO 1010 Concepts in 生物学
 微积分AB  MTH 1120 Calculus I with score of 4 or 5
 微积分公元前  MTH 1120 Calculus I with score of 4; see department chair to discuss credits for MTH  1220 Calculus II. 8 credits for MTH 1120 Calculus I and MTH 1220 Calculus II with score of  5. Note: A score of 3 on 微积分公元前 with an AB sub-score of 4 will transfer as MTH 1120 Calculus I.
 化学  CHM 1010 General 化学 with a score of 3 or 4. 8 credits for CHM 1010 General  化学 I and CHM 1020 General 化学 II with score of 5.
 计算机科学A  CSC 1810 Principles of 计算机科学 I 
 计算机科学 Principles  4个选修学分
 经济学: Macroeconomics  ECN 1020 Principles of Macroeconomics
 经济学:  Microeconomics  ECN 1010 Principles of Microeconomics
 英语语言  4个选修学分
 英国文学  ENG 1060 Interpreting Literature
 Environmental Science  GEO 1600 Earth Revealed
 欧洲历史上  HIS 1120 Issues in 欧洲历史上 II
 法语  Placement indicator at 博彩网址大全 required
 法国文学  Placement indicator at 博彩网址大全 required
 德国语言  Placement indicator at 博彩网址大全 required
 Government and Politics: Comparative  POL 1030 Introduction to Comparative Politics
 Government and Politics: U.S.  POL 2400 American Government: National, State and Local
 人文地理   GEO 1500 人文地理: An Introduction
 拉丁  Placement indicator at 博彩网址大全 required
 音乐 Theory — Aural  1个选修学分
 音乐 Theory — Non-Aural  3个选修学分
 Physics 1, Algebra Based  PHY 1200 Fundamentals of Physics; score of 4 required
 Physics 2, Algebra Based  PHY 1200 Fundamentals of Physics; score of 4 required. If a 4 is received in both Physics 1 and 2, credit will also be given for PHY 2100.
 Physics C (Mechanics)  PHY 1200 Fundamentals of Physics; score of 4 required
 Physics C (Electricity and Magnetism)  PHY 1200 Fundamentals of Physics and PHY 2200 General Physics I; score of 4 required
 心理学  4个选修学分
 研讨会  4个选修学分
 西班牙语  Placement indicator at 博彩网址大全 required
 西班牙文学  Placement indicator at 博彩网址大全 required
 统计数据  MTH 1050 Elementary 统计数据
 Studio Art: 2D Design  提交 scores and booklet for departmental review; score of 4 required
 Studio Art: 3D Design  提交 scores and booklet for departmental review; score of 4 required
 Studio Art: Drawing  提交 scores and booklet for departmental review; score of 4 required
 U.S. 历史  HIS 1000 Issues in American 历史
 世界历史  4个选修学分

International Baccalaureate Credit

The International Baccalaureate diploma program is recognized by Carthage for purposes of admission, 学分, and advanced standing or placement. Credit is based on review of the candidate’s International Baccalaureate program. Credit may be given for scores of 4 or higher in selected Higher Level examinations.

 Carthage Courses Awarded
 所有语言测试  Placement indicator at 博彩网址大全 required
 生物学  BIO 1010 Concepts in 生物学
 化学  SCI 0099
 计算机科学  看到部门
 经济学  ECN 1030 Issues in 经济学
 英语  4个选修学分
 地理位置  GEO 1500 人文地理: An Introduction
 历史  他9999年
 历史 of the Americas  HIS 1000 Issues in American 历史
 Mathematical Studies  看到部门
 音乐  MUS 1150 Exploring 音乐
 心理学  PYC 1500 Introduction to Psychological Science
 社会 & Cultural Anthropology  SOC 1020 Cultural Anthropology
 戏剧艺术  THR 1150 Introduction to Theatre
 视觉艺术  ART 1030 Exploring Studio Art

Project Lead the Way

Students who receive a “Distinguished” Achievement Level Descriptor in Introduction to Engineering Design or Principles of Engineering AND complete a final project in Engineering Design and Development may receive credit toward Carthage’s Engineering degree EGR技术1100 Introduction to Engineering Design (4 cr.). Such received credit is considered provisional until the student’s subsequent Carthage course work confirms that they are sufficiently prepared for subsequent courses.